Got Books? Giveaway!
Got Books? har startat en riktigt RIKTIGT stor giveaway med 100 (Ja, 100) andra bokbloggar! Dom flesta är ju endast för USA/Canada men det finns en hel del som faktiskt skickar utanför USA och Kanada.
WELCOME to the Got Books? Event!
It's time to take off into the blogosphere and have ourselves a little, no A LOT, of bookish fun! Remember, you have 48 hours to check out all the sites. Worried about where to start? No problem, we'll help you out. First off, we have a handy little check list created thanks to your suggestions so you can monitor where you've been and where you're going. Next, if you look a bit farther down on this post, you will find a listing of the book blogs participating in this event. We've broken it down into groups based on whom is eligible to enter at their particular site...for example, US only, US/Canada, and Worldwide....HOWEVER, don't let that discourage you from visiting the other sites! There's lots of wonderful bookish friends to be made here, and you never know who might recommend your next great read!
Just nu är jag med i åtta stycken olika giveaways och jag kan inte sluta le alltså! (min favorit giveaway är just nu Reviews by Martha's bookshelf!!) Det här är ju alldeles för underbart, eller hur? Kom ihåg, ni har bara på er tills imorgon, SÅ SKYNDA!!
Klicka här för att se alla bloggar som håller giveaways. Det är listat, så ni kommer se vilka som är internationella giveaways! Kom igen, va med nu!
Birthday Giveaway!
Girls Without a Bookshelf is having a giveaway you guys! And guess what book is on the list!? Crescendo!!
So if you guys want to have the chance to win Crescendo (or 6 other books) you follow their blog! (you have to have a blogger/google account)!! Good luck you guys!
Here's the book she's giving away!
Crescendo (sequel to Hush Hush)
Torment (sequel to Fallen)
Beautiful Darkness (sequel to Beautiful Creatures)
Return to Paradise (sequel to Leaving Paradise)
The Haunted (sequel to The Hollow)
Ascendant (sequel to Rampant)
Sapphique (sequel to Incarceron)
This giveaway:
Is open internationally (where Book Depository ships).
Is open to all my Google Friend Connect followers.
Is open to everyone above the age of 13.
Will end on 31st August 2010.
Will not retain any of the entrants' contact details nor will it pass it on to any third party.
To read more, click here!
Bidragen från 'The ultimate fan contest'
bara jag som totalt älskar bilderna på becca? haha, hon är ju för söt!
Bara några dagar kvar!

Dream Cast kommer upp snart också! Jag vill bara säga att vi blir lite sega på bloggen dom här dagarna. Jag ska ner till göteborg och vara där i två veckor och Bella jobbar tror jag? haha, vet inte riktigt! Men vi ska försöka uppdatera så mycket som möjligt!
SOMMER LOVIN' - June contest!

Now that you’ve had a chance to read
the Prologue and First Chapter of CRESCENDO
(If you haven't read them yet, visit our CRESCENDO page)
and know that Patch & Nora are kicking off
their Summer by watching fireworks on the beach
and playing carnival games…
What’s your favorite way to spend
a Summer night?
Show us. Be creative. Send us a photo of you actually doing it OR MAKE a picture/photoshop yourself into it OR Draw a picture OR send a video, etc. The more creative the better, and remember to keep it rated PG.
The winner will be selected by
Rebecca, Jenn and Becca! We are looking for the
most fun, creative entry!
midnight on Sunday, June 20. Contest is open Internationally. All submissions become the property of
Super kul tävling! Jag gillar att deras tävlingar är lite annorlunda och så! Vad tycker ni då? Ska ni vara med? Jag vet att jag ska! Ni har på er till den 20e juni!
Vinnarna av The Ultimate Fan Contest!!
''Thank you to everyone who entered the Ultimate Fan Contest, we had soo many great entries!!!
And now, the big news...
Congratulaitons to our Ultimate Fan SAMANTHA!!!
Samantha will receive the amazing prize pack which includes a signed, personalized CRESCENDO ARC, Hush Hush jewelry & lots of other great prizes.
It was a really close, very tight contest all the way to the end. We had to double check and verify eveyone's entries. We would also like to recognize our Runner Ups who did an amazing job and were oh sooooo close. We wish we had 4 prize packs, one for each of you!
Congrats to our Runner Ups - CHELSEA, JESSICA and EMMA
Didn't win this time? Don't worry on Saturday we will tell you how you all about our June CRESCENDO ARC Contest!!''
Man blir ju lite smått avundsjuk! Gah, önskar att jag varit med, men det kändes lite omöjligt att vinna när man bara hade 5 dagar på sig! Imorgon får vi veta om en ny tävling! iih, väldigt spännande! Håller ni inte med mig?
GRATTIS SAMANTHA! (@sassysam2121 på twitter)
Tävla om Crescendo!
Här kommer ett utdrag från Tynga's Reviews;
That’s right, we are gonna do a Re-Create Cover Contest!
but not just any cover, no no no!
You will have to do your very own Crescendo Cover!
(pretty much a Fan Art for Crescendo)
What is there to win?
Well first of all, Becca and S&S are offering an ARC of Crescendo (which is open to US&CAN and will be mailed when they are available)
and because I’m crazy for this upcoming release and because I love my International friends out there, I will offer a pre-order of a finished copy of Crescendo (open everywhere Book Depository ships!)
How will we choose the winners?
Well first this contest will be opened for entries until June 14th, 2010.
On June 16th, I will put up a post with all entries and will open a vote. 1 of the winners will be chosen by popular votes.
The second winner will be Becca’s favorite cover!
Now remember the shipping restrictions above? Well unfortunately there can’t be two international winners, so if it does happen, we’ll find a solution =)
Now go ahead, get in creative mode and show us your talent!
When you are done, please fill the form below!
You don’t need to have a blog, just need to host your cover somewhere.
Have fun!
Please be respectful of copyrights because neither S&S, Becca Fitzpatrick nor myself support copyrights infringements.
Så alltså, vi som inte kommer från USA eller Canada kan INTE vinna ett ARC, utan vi vinner Crescendo - förhandsbokad! Så vi behöver inte beställa den själva!
Super kul , eller hur? Ska ni vara med? Jag vet att jag ska! Jag älskar att hålla på i Photoshop och att rita och så. Så det här är verkligen en bra tävling för mig! Har ni några frågor så lämnar ni en kommentar eller trycker på kontakt knappen där till vänster!
(källa: Tynga's Review.)
FallenArchangel Ultimate Fan Contest

FallenArchangel , den officiella HushHush fansidan, har den ultimata tävlingen just nu! Fick veta bara för någon dag sen att den var öppen för fans i hela världen, så jag vet inte om det är lönt att vara med nu, men det är väldigt lockande.
Tävlingen går ut på att man ska samla så mycket poäng som möjligt. Och vad ska man då göra för att samla poäng? Jo, det är lite speciellt! Man ska göra olika små.. uppdrag? Uppgifter? Ah, men det är riktigt coolt i alla fall!
Think you are the Ultimate HUSH HUSH Fan?? Do you love Becca Fitzpatrick?? Are you her # 1 Fan?? Here's your chance to prove it! See how many challenges you can complete and how many points you can earn.....
Each week for the entire month of May we will be posting challenges. Each challenge will be worth a designated number of points. The challenges will be fun and will help to spread the HUSH HUSH love and build up the buzz for CRESCENDO.
Get creative and have FUN!!!
Week #1 - Max 24 points
10 pts - Have a friend take a picture of you playing pool (Patch loves to play) and email it to us
10 pts - Make a HH or angel inspired craft (Jewelry, cake, painting etc) send us a picture of it
1 pt each (Max 4 pts) Refer a Friend! Get a friend to join the forum, follow us on twitter, become our friend on FaceBook and/or follow our blog - send us screenshots (maximum 4) Note: This challenge is for referring a friend, showing us that you have done these things will come later this month :-)
Week #2 - Max 20 points
10 pts - Make tacos or eat at a Mexican Restaurant like Nora & Patch in HH send us a picture
5 pts - Write a blog post or note on Facebook about CRESCENDO, send us a link or screenshot
5 pts - Place a pre-order for CRESCENDO send us a screenshot or link (etc) proving it :-)
Remember all submissions are due by midnight EDT on May 31, however they can be submitted at any time before as well. Submit entries to [email protected]
Week #3 - Max 33 points
5 pts - Post a positive review & 5-star rating for HUSH HUSH on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Send us a screenshot
5 pts - Have someone take a picture of your reading HH in public, send us the picture
BONUS: 25 pts - Get your picture taken with a Patch look-a-like wearing black jeans, send us the picture (to be fair, he doesn't have to look exactly like patch, but should have some characteristics and as long as his jeans are dark, we'll probably accept it :-)
Week #4 - Max 18 points
5 pts - Design Hush Hush or Crescendo FanArt, send it to us.
1 pt - Use the Crescendo cover as your Twitter or FB avatar, send us a link or screenshot.
10 pts - Dress up like Nora from a scene in HH, sned us a picture and tell us about the scene.
Earn points for each task/challenge by submitying 'proof' (a screenshot, image or photo as indicated with the challenge) to prove you have completed it, to [email protected] . New challenges will be posted each week. All tasks are due on Monday, May 31 by Midnight EDT, however they can be submitted at any time during the month. Make sure that all of your submissions come from the same email address in order for them to be correctly tallied.
In the case of a tie, more than one person achieving the maximum 100 points, the winner will be chosen at random from those who earned 100 points.
And now, for the best part!! The Prize Pack!!
* CRESCENDO ARC (as soon as it's available) Signed/Personalized by Becca Fitzpatrick
* A Skype Chat with Jenn & Rebecca (Owner/Admins of FallenArchangel) to chat about CRESCENDO after you’ve read it, since no one else will have :-)
* A t-shirt from FallenArchangel Café Press store
* A necklace and pair of earrings from Whimsical Fiction Esty Shop AND
* A feature/profile on FallenArchangel showcasing you as the ULTIMATE FAN :-)
Så.. vad tycker ni? Ska ni vara med? Jag vet att jag är sugen, men det känns inte som om jag har någon chans!