Grand finale at FallenArchangel!
Håll i hatten, för jag lovar att ni kommer bli helt ''blown away'' som Jenn sa till mig igår på twitter.
Och hon skojade inte! Det här är ju som en liten julafton mitt i sommaren!!
Okej, jag skulle egentligen inte lägga upp DET HÄR på bloggen, men jag kan inte låta bli!
''First... Have you ever wondered about the 'feel' of the CRESCENDO cover, dark and raining?? Will there be a rainy scene in CRESCENDO like the cover?? Well, we have a little cookie from CRESCENDO that may help to answer those questions
….Patch stood over me, and a drop of rain slid from his hair, landing like ice on my collarbone.
I felt it slide along my skin, disappearing beneath the neckline of my shirt. His eyes followed the raindrop,
and I began to quiver on the inside....''
Ja ni. Jag finner då inga ord. Sitter bokstavligen och gnäller som en liten hundvalp!! Jag måste verkligen ha den där boken snart, innan jag typ smällter bort eller något annat.
För att se ett alternativt cover för Crescendo OCH vara med i en tävling om ett Crescendo ARC (Advance Reader Copy), klicka här!
Cover week day 4

''The beautiful CRESCENDO Cover is by James Porto, the artisitc genius behind the HUSH HUSH cover. We spoke to James last year for the HUSH HUSH Cover Week (here) and this year James and Simon & Schuster have graciously provided us with a little peak "behind the scenes" at the CRESCENDO Cover Shoot! Check out these pictures of cover model Samantha Ruggiero as they prepare her for the shoot which is set in the rain!!
Be sure to check back tomorrow as we close out CRESCENDO Cover Week in a BIG way!''
Oj! Nu blev jag riktigt riktigt nyfiken!
För att se mer bilder, klicka här!!
Becca Fitzpatrick om Nora Grey.
''While I don't come straight out in HUSH, HUSH or CRESCENDO and tell readers the color of Nora's hair (Patch claims it's red; Nora claims she's a brunette) I've always envisioned Nora to have wild, unruly and sexy auburn tresses. Not too red, not too brown, with a little bit of gold thrown in to keep things interesting. I also picture her with smoky gray eyes, long legs and a figure that's more curvy than athletic.''
För att läsa mer, och även se bilder på hur Becca föreställer sig Nora, så går ni in här!
Har ni hittat den perfekta Nora? Gå då in här och dela med er!
Crescendo Cover Week: Intervju med Samantha!
FallenArchangel: How did you get involved in this project?
Samantha Ruggiero: I previously met James Porto, the photographer for Hush, Hush for a personal project he was shooting. He's great- I've worked with him several times.
FA: Is this your first book cover? If so how does this differ from a typical modeling shoot?
SR: Yes it was my first book cover! Shooting a book cover is very exciting because it reaches a broader mass of people versus, say a fashion magazine. It was a lot of fun, we were on a huge trampoline in the studio.
FA: Did you read HUSH HUSH to get into character? If so do you think you share any traits with Nora?
SR: Unfortunately, I did not get to read Hush Hush. I am a very busy girl! I would like to at some point in the near future- summer is the perfect time for picking up a new book.
Crescendo Cover Week.

''Samantha is 21 years old and was born and raised in Connecticut. After spending some time in school in Philadelphia, PA she "fell" into modeling, and has been doing it full time ever since! Samantha has appeared in various print ads, including several in Seventeen Magazine.
Tune in tomorrow, Tuesday, for an interview with Samantha, telling us more about her and the CRESCENDO Cover Photo Shoot. ''
Här har ni bilder från olika fotograferingar som Samantha varit med i.

Är hon inte hur vacker som helst?
Glöm inte imorgon, på! :)
Exakt 100 dagar kvar till Crescendo!!
läs resten här!
''One word: AMAZING. I received this book in the mail from Simon & Schuster on Wednesday afternoon and finished it Thursday night (and that's with two small children to take care of). I could not put it down. Crescendo is gripping, Patch is smoldering and Nora faces danger at every turn. Becca brings a whole new level of excitement in Crescendo that will have you melting one moment and on the edge of your seat the next. I felt more connected to the characters in this book and found myself laughing at Vee more times than I can count. Patch was even more irresistible and I didn't think that was possible. I felt Nora's pain cutting me deeply and the ending has me begging for more. Becca has done an incredible job with Crescendo- even better than Hush, Hush (again, how is that possible?) and I cannot wait to read more from her.
Rating: 5 HUGE Stars ''
läs resten här!
får det här er inte bara vilja läsa Crescendo ännu mer!!? Gud. 101 dagar kvar!
Mitt bidrag till Tynga's omslags tävling!

Bevaka Crescendo!
Release datumet för Crescendo i US har flyttats fram så nu finns boken ute i US att köpa redan
19 Oktober!
/ Bella
Sneak Peak på Crescendo!
Dessutom så flyttade dom datumet för releasen av Crescendo! Istället för November, så är det nu den 5e oktober!
Här kan ni läsa det!
Lämna gärna en kommentar och säg vad ni tycker!