Crescendo Cover Week: Intervju med Samantha!
FallenArchangel: How did you get involved in this project?
Samantha Ruggiero: I previously met James Porto, the photographer for Hush, Hush for a personal project he was shooting. He's great- I've worked with him several times.
FA: Is this your first book cover? If so how does this differ from a typical modeling shoot?
SR: Yes it was my first book cover! Shooting a book cover is very exciting because it reaches a broader mass of people versus, say a fashion magazine. It was a lot of fun, we were on a huge trampoline in the studio.
FA: Did you read HUSH HUSH to get into character? If so do you think you share any traits with Nora?
SR: Unfortunately, I did not get to read Hush Hush. I am a very busy girl! I would like to at some point in the near future- summer is the perfect time for picking up a new book.